Registration for the 2024-25 Season Opens 1 August
Community Membership can be upgraded to Open or Concession upon payment of the difference by you.
However, other categories, once selected, cannot be changed and any over payments cannot be refunded.
The registration fees for the 2024/25 season commencing 1 September 2024 are as follows:
Open athlete $210 20 years of age and over
Use of Rotary Athletics Field for training during UTS Norths hours and use of the UTS Norths gym at Rotary Athletics Field
Eligible to compete in all ANSW and AA Sanctioned Events
Coverage for Personal Accident Insurance under the National Insurance Plan
eAthlete information service
discount to Run NSW events, coach/official courses
Concession athlete $160 holders of Government Concession Card which must be sighted by Club Administrator
Use of Rotary Athletics Field for training during UTS Norths hours and use of the UTS Norths gym at Rotary Athletics Field
Eligible to compete in all ANSW and AA Sanctioned Events
Coverage for Personal Accident Insurance under the National Insurance Plan
eAthlete information service
discount to Run NSW events, coach/official courses
Community Athlete $30
Coverage for Personal Accident Insurance under the National Insurance Plan
eAthlete information service
has access to club meet and designated Community events at Athletics NSW
Use of Rotary Athletics Field ONLY for training during UTS Norths hours
this membership provides discounted fees for coaching and officiating courses
ANSW Junior $130
MUST register through Rev.Sport
Team NSW eligibility
access to weekly club events and competiton
access to State and National Championships
Personal accident insurance
Access to photography/live stream throughout the season
Ongoing ANSW Office support and communication
- ANSW Multi Club Membership $40 (Little As Northern Suburb Only is Free)
- MUST complete Multi Club Membership Application
- You will be invoiced $40 if you are not a member of Northern suburbs Little As. Invoice must be paid before you compete with UTS Norths
- Team NSW eligibility
- access to weekly club events and competition
- access to State and National Championships
- Personal accident insurance
- Access to photography/live stream throughout the season
- Ongoing ANSW Office support and communication
- Use of Rotary Athletics Field for training during UTS Norths hours
Please note, UTS Norths does not offer specific junior coaching or events similar to Little Athletics. This membership is not a replacement your Little A's membership, it allows juniors the additional opportunity to compete at NSW Athletics competitions. Please contact your local Little A's centre for weekly competitions and coaching.
A credit card payments will incur a surcharge